Thursday, March 7, 2019

Bill Ferry Visits the Farm

Neil, Bill, and Chris at South Fork Ranch (Dolores's Ranch)
Bill is holding a jar of honey extracted from hives on the ranch.
Bill Ferry (Dolores's cousin) visited Lemoore with a keen interest in farming. Chris gave him a tour of the family farm and then he was able to go to the World Ag Expo in Tulare with Sue and Steve the next day. We all decided this should be an annual event!
(Bill's father, Bill, is Nona's brother.)

Bill at the John Deere Exhibition at the Farm Show.
Neil, Dolores, Chris, and Sue.
Pistatios grown on South Fork Ranch.
This is Bill's beautiful photography capturing our amazing snow covered Sierra Nevada.

Dolores and Chris

Sue and Steve at the John Deere Exhibition at the Farm Show.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great pictures of everyone! What fun to make this an annual event. 😄🚜🚜